Keyword Golden Ratio- Best way to ranking in just 24 hrs.

Are you struggling to find the right keywords for your website or blogs? Have you tried many ways and many strategies for selecting topics that may rank at a good position in google. In this article you will get the solution of all your problems as we will be discussing the keyword golden ratio in this article. It is a smart strategy to select topics and keywords for your blog and website that rank well in google . Using KGR you can rank in google in  just some hrs or 24 hrs and drive organic traffic to our site. So now ranking in Google and getting organic traffic is not very difficult if you follow keyword Golden ratio strategies.

The Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) theory was developed by Doug Cunnington and he claims that it is one of the best ways to rank new sites and increase website traffic. It is basically developed to target long tail keywords to ranking for top 10 SERP results in just a few days or less. Basically the strategy works on supply and demand. As you know when supply is more than demand it becomes difficult to sell so KGR works on this theory only. If there are more websites that are providing content on the same keywords than the people search it. It becomes difficult to rank because we try to find the keywords that have less website ranking in google than the actual people searching it for. Means more people are searching for that keyword and google has less website to show for it. 

KGR has gained a lot of publicity from the day it was created only, due to an aggressive promotional campaign run by its creator.

Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR)

In this article we are going to explain everything about Keyword Golden Ratio. Many of us don’t know anything about keyword golden ratio and this term would be totally new to many of us. But trust me KGR will help you in ranking our site in just 24 hrs. Not only that if your site is new this keyword golden ratio will act as your best friend as it will help your site in early exit from the sandbox and also building trust on google. So stay tuned and take advantage of this strategy to gain traffic on your website.

What is Keyword Golden Ratio?

Keyword Golden Ratio is a data-driven method that will help you in finding the keywords for which you can easily rank in the top 50 or less in just 24 hrs or in a few days. Not only that, you can even rank in the top 10 position if your website has a decent authority.

You might know about the long tail keyword but finding the right long tail keyword with good traffic and less competition may be difficult for you. But not now with Keyword Golden Ratio you can easily find these keywords without any difficulty.

How is Keyword Golden Ratio calculated?

Now as we know about Keyword Golden Ratio, let’s move on to how we can calculate Keyword Golden Rule . There is a simple formula that is the number of Google results that have the keyword phrase in the allintitle divided by the monthly search volume, where the search volume is less than 250. If your KGR is less than 0.25, then you will be able to rank in the top 50 position easily, maybe as soon as your page gets indexed.

Keyword Golden Ratio Formula

We will strongly recommend just sticking to the formula and try to find out keywords with KGR less or under 0.25.

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This technique is well-tested by various people. You can also experiment with high search volume Keywords as well. High search volume keywords come with high competition as well that is why it has become more difficult for us to rank in google and other search engines. That is why we suggest you start with short-tail keywords with keyword golden ratio under 0.25.

Let’s see an example of this formula. Let’s say that we have a KGR of 0.25 and the maximum search volume of keyword is 250, then you will have about 63 allintitle results. That simply means that there are a total 63 pages on the web that have the same keyword in their allintitle.

Now also not clear with the KGR strategy or how to calculate it. Here is the simple example, let’s assume that “digital marketing in Janakpuri” has a search volume of 15000 and the google allintitle results are 3000. Then according to Keyword Golden strategy 3000/15000 that is 0.2 that means it is a good keyword so you can use this keyword. In this way you can find other keywords related to your niche.

What is allintitle?

If you are confused about what Allintitle stands for, let me tell you that it is an advanced Google search operator that will provide you with the results of all searches that have that particular keyword in their title. Usually, you can search a certain number of Allintitle in a particular time as Google does want its data to be scraped by robots. So to prevent this you need to enter a Captcha after a particular span of time.


How does the keyword golden ratio helpful for the website that is in the sandbox?

Let me first tell you that we don’t have any proof that KGR is helpful for the websites that are in sandbox. But it is an experiment that we have performed with many websites and it has proven effective in them. The reason for its effectiveness is that when traffic comes to your website, google started trusting on your site and released them from the sandbox.

If you want to find more keyword golden ratio and want to save time then we will recommend you to use some paid keyword tool to research these keywords.

Theory On Why Keyword Golden Ratio Works

The keyword golden ratio is a term coined by John Lee Dumas, who was a successful entrepreneur and author. He says that if you want to achieve something big in business, then you need to start small and work your way up. His theory is based on the fact that everything in nature follows the golden ratio. If you look at a tree, its branches are always in proportion to each other. A flower’s petals are always in proportion to the size of the flower. And the human body is built according to the golden ratio. In order to succeed in any field, you have to follow the same rule. You should never try to do too much at once. Instead, you should focus on doing just enough to get started. Once you’ve achieved some success, you can expand your efforts.

The theory behind the keyword golden ratio is that if you have enough keywords on a page, people will click on those keywords and read the entire article. If you don’t have enough keywords, then people will just skip over the article and move on to the next one.

1. Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of any website. If they are not optimized properly, then the rest of the site won’t look good either. There are many different ways to optimize keywords, but the best way is to use the keyword golden ratio.

 2. Keyword research

 Before you begin writing content, you need to know what people are searching for. What keywords are they using? How many times do they use them? Are they looking for products or services? These questions help you determine how to write your content.

 3. Content creation

 Once you have decided on your topic, you need to create content around it. Make sure that your content is unique and interesting. Write about things that no one else is talking about. Use keywords throughout your article.

 4. Promotion

 Promoting your content is the final step before you launch it. Share it on social media sites, email lists, forums, blogs, etc. Promote it everywhere!

What Is The Right Keyword Density In Keyword Golden Ratio?

The keyword density is the percentage of total words in a page that are related to a specific topic. A higher keyword density means that the content is more focused on that particular subject. You should aim for a keyword density between 1% and 5%. Anything above 5% is considered spammy.

How do you use a keyword tool to find Keyword Golden Rule terms?

  1. Enter your query (for example, “grow marijuana seeds”). Search results should return many pages that could have relevant information about how to grow marijuana.
  2. Review each page’s content. If any page appears to be on topic, extract its URL and add it to a list.
  3. Repeat steps 2–3 until your list contains 100 URLs.
  4. Sort URLs using the “sort by date” option in your browser.
  5. Keep only the first 10 URLs; they may not be enough keywords to build a complete list.
  6. Continue doing steps 4–6 until you’ve collected as many examples as possible.
  7. Now create a spreadsheet with columns labelled: Title, URL, Author, Description.
  8. Copy all data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the Notebook.
  9. Name the notebook “Keywords I want to know more about.”
  10. Save the document for later review.

Potential Keyword Golden Ratio Pitfall

There are some things that you need to keep in mind while using the keyword golden ratio. These include:

  •  Don’t overuse them.
  • Use long-tail keywords.
  • Make sure that the content is relevant to the keyword.
  • Use synonyms.
  • Include variations of the keyword.
  • Avoid using numbers.
  • Be careful about using hyphens.

Top 4 Reasons why you should Try Keyword Golden Ratio

  1. It helps you in staying Motivated as creating a successful niche website is not an easy task. But if you are successful in ranking a keyword in top position it will help you to stay motivated and do your work with more effort.
  2. Keyword Golden Ratio help you in finding best keyword for which you can rank faster. So instead of having a list of many keywords and playing blindfolded, it helps you prioritize the keywords for which you should work first.
  3. It also helps you in giving real data for every keyword phrase so that you can check their performance as well.
  4. And the best part is that many people don’t invest their time in manual processes. So should try out this Keyword Golden Ratio formulate so that you will stay ahead from your competitors.

If you’re probably wondering why Keyword Golden Ratio emphasises a keyword with monthly search volume of 250 or less. Then the answer is that its creator, Doug Cunnington, believes that it is easy to rank for keywords with low search volume as it is a fact as well. He even tested his theory on many low search volume keywords and that is why choose 250 as its default parameter.

8 tools to find the best Keyword Golden Rule

1. Google Trends

Google trends is an online tool that provides data about how often search terms appear in a selected time period. You simply input keywords related to your niche and compare them over different years. If certain keyword searches have been rising over time, that means people are searching for these topics more frequently than they did previously.

2. WordStream

Wordstream is an SEO software company that offers word frequency analysis tools. Their free version is great for beginner marketers because it does not require any registration. However, if you want access to advanced features, you need to upgrade to their premium service for $29 per month. Their tools help determine the optimal length of titles and descriptions, use the correct keywords in headlines, and perform synonym analysis to optimize your content.

3. SemRush

Semrush is an SEO analytics platform that helps you analyze what words are being searched for on various websites, including yours. On top of that, Semrush lets you predict what keywords will perform well in the future. Using the tool’s “Keywords Explorer,” you can search for competitive keywords based on location, industry, and more.

4. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

The Google AdWords Keyword planner is a free feature in Google Analytics that analyzes website traffic and displays keyword suggestions. Use the tool to discover popular keywords related to your niche. You can then use those results in your blog posts, ad campaigns, social media profiles, etc.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a free SEO tool that lets you see where your competitors rank for keywords. You can also use this tool to find out what pages on your site are ranking well for particular keywords.

6. Moz

Moz is a good place to start learning about SEO. Their tools are pretty intuitive and allow you to see exactly what changes need to be done to improve your rankings.

7. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is a social media analytics platform that shows you what content gets shared the most across various platforms. You can use this information to create content that resonates with your audience.

8. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is a free tool that analyzes your website traffic and tells you how much traffic you receive from different countries around the world.

Does the Keyword Golden Rule really cut the sandbox?

The simple answer is yes! But wait… Is there anything really wrong with using keywords? I don’t think either method is right or wrong. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. However, the keyword approach, while being more effective, is not without some pretty serious disadvantages. Here is my opinion on both methods.


  • Easy to use
  • Can be combined easily with social media marketing campaigns
  • Can help increase traffic to your website
  • Very cheap (relatively speaking)
  • Works well if you have a topic that people want to discuss
  • Highly unlikely to get banned unless you’re overusing them


  • Requires consistent maintenance
  • Not always effective

FAQ of Keyword Golden Rule

1. Can I Automate Finding KGR Terms?

 Yes! There are many tools out there that help you find keywords based on the KGR. Here are some of my favourites.

2. What to do if you find a keyword with a keyword Golden ratio under 0.25, but the search volume of the keyword is more than 250.

Simply, the keyword Golden ratio formula is designed to work with keywords that have search volumes less than 250. But definitely you can experiment with some other keywords. So it is completely fine and you can use it with keywords which have a high search volume. It will definitely work but it will take some time to rank. But remember that you should create a good, brief content and be patient as it will take some time to rank keywords with high search volume.

 3. Are There Exceptions For The KGR?

 Yes. In fact, I have seen people who have had success with using different ratios than the KGR. However, I would recommend sticking with the KGR if possible.

 4. What Should You Do If Your Keyword Golden Ratio Terms Are Similar?

 If you notice that your keyword golden ratio terms are similar, then it may make sense to publish multiple articles about them. However, I would still recommend publishing only one article per topic.

 5. What’s The Problem With Publishing Multiple Articles On Similar Topics?

The problem with publishing multiple articles on similar topics is that they dilute your search engine optimization efforts. When you write content for multiple sites, it becomes harder to rank well for those keywords. Also, if you get penalized for duplicate content, you could lose traffic and rankings.


We all know that things change after sometime and we talk about SEO that every time tips and tricks change, people change their strategy and get updated as google changes their algorithm with time. So it is very important that we also check new SEO strategy and technique to get the real result or its performance.

Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR)

This technique is old but we have still tried it on some keywords and it has given us successful results as with time competition always rises and Keyword golden ratio formula has a default parameter of low search volume keyword. That means with low search volume you will get low competition as well, thus this formula is always successful. You should also try out this keyword golden ratio to get successful results.

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